Monday, May 24, 2010


So up here in the Not Currently Frozen Northlands (it's supposed to maybe hit 90 today...ew) trauma weather is in FULL swing. I do not have a problem with this, as trauma is something we can FIX (sometimes). Yesterday I was dressed nicely, for me, in a cute scoopneck and jeans with a great necklace coming home from doing chores with my mother when she spotted M, one of our EMTs going past with his lights on, back to the station, 200 yards away. I spun the car around, and hopped into the rig with M, and NO idea of what we were actually responding to...a FALL FROM A HORSE!!!

The woman's only complaints were pain at the costo-vertebral angle and both wrists. She hadn't really moved much, but we could clear her C-spine, and only short-board her. M and I were really only worried about her kidney...only time will tell!


Outrider said...


I'm an equine veterinarian and helmet-less riders are one of my pet peeves (see: Courtney King-Dye's website for just one sad example of why this behavior makes me crazy).

Alpine, R.N. said...

She WAS helmeted. I was suffering from mild heat exhaustion yesterday and wrote rather incoherently...she was helmeted and wearing practical boots as well. I'm actually thinking that this was the horse's fault. :-p